

2021, Clouds Rest: A technology-driven financial services and investing platform built to transparently and accurately price environmental externalities in order to mobilize more capital to fight climate change.

2015, The Fresh Factory: A platform for the development of clean-label and plant-based food and beverage products.

2007, Carbon Solutions Group: Carbon Solutions is a leading marketer of environmental assets, developer of EV charging projects, and works in solar aggregation.

2006, R2: A fully integrated, real estate firm with offices in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis. R2 develops, operates and invests in real estate assets in high barrier-to-entry markets with favorable supply and demand fundamentals.


2019, Amp Americas II: Continuing the buildout of renewable natural gas (RNG) infrastructure around the US.

2011, Amp Americas I: Pioneered the use of renewable natural gas (RNG) as a transportation fuel becoming one of the largest RNG developers in the US.

Sold CNG business to American Natural Gas and RNG assets privately in 2019

2010, Energy.Me: Retail energy supplier that leveraged technology to price and transact.

Sold to Agera Energy in 2015

2003, Infinium Capital Management: Proprietary trading firm that led the transition to electronic trading.

Sold privately 2010

1998, Technacity: Software development firm that put some of the first classes online and developed a number of prototypes for various startups.


Amp Americas RNG Plant, Fair Oaks, Indiana

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